Consecutive Numbering of Parts
All manuscript pages, footnotes, equations, and references should be labeled in consecutive
numerical order. Illustrations and tables should be cited in text in numerical order.
Manuscript Formats
Full length papers generally consist of the title, byline, author affiliation, footnote (including
any financial support acknowledgment), index terms, abstract, nomenclature if present,
introduction, body, conclusions, reference list, list of figures and table captions, and original
figures and tables for reproduction. A paper may also include appendixes, a glossary of symbols,
and an acknowledgment of support of any form.
The abstract should be limited to 50-200 words and should concisely state what was done, how it
was done, principal results, and their significance.
A numbered list of references must be provided at the end of the paper. The list should be
arranged in the order of citation in text, not in alphabetical order. List only one reference per
reference number. Each reference number should be enclosed by square brackets.
In text, citations of references may be given simply as "[1]". Similarly, it is not necessary to
mention the authors of a reference unless the mention is relevant to the text.
Samples of various types of References are:
[1] Singiresu. S. Rao, "Engineering Optimization", third ed., New Age International (P) Limited
Publishers: New Delhi, 2002.
[2] Ferdinanad P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Elliot R. Eisenberg and William E. Clausen, "Vector
Mechanics for Engineers", seventh ed., vol. 1, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited: New
Delhi, 2004.
[3] V. V. S. K. Rao and G. Srinivasulu, "One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem : An Heuristic
Approach", Industrial Engineering Journal, vol.34 No.10, Oct. 2005, pp. 19-22.
[4] N. Kuppuswamy and R. Rudramoorthy, "Vibration Analysis with Stiffness Modifications in the
Foundation of Bulb Turbine - A Case Study", National Journal of Technology, in press.
Conference Proceedings:
[5] P. S. S. Prasad and V. Senthil Kumaran, "Reliability Predication on Clutch Master Cylinder
(CMC) using RDT", National Conference on Globally competitive Eco Friendly Technologies in
Mechanical Engineering, Erode, April 15-16, 2005, pp. 52-57.
[6] Deepali Gupta and Aparna Mehra, "Small Quasi Efficiency for Vector Optimization on Banach
Spaces", presented at the International Conference on Operations Research Applications in
Infrastructure Development, Bangalore, 2005.
[8] G. Brandli and M. Dick, "Alternating current fed power supply", U.S. Patent 4 084 217, Nov. 4,
Technical Reports:
[9] E. E. Reber, R. L. Mitchell, and C. J. Carter, "Oxygen absorption in the Earth's atmosphere",
Aerospace Corp., Los Angeles, CA, Te
In case of Web sources, The following format is recommended.
[1] Ferdinanad P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Elliot R. Eisenberg and William E. Clausen, "Vector
Mechanics for Engineers", seventh ed., vol. 1, 2004. Available:
[2] N. Kuppuswamy and R. Rudramoorthy, "Vibration Analysis with Stiffness Modifications in the
Foundation of Bulb Turbine - A Case Study", National Journal of Technology, vol.1 No.2, June 2005,
pp. 63-67. Available:
Conference Proceedings:
[3] Deepali Gupta and Aparna Mehra, "Small Quasi Efficiency for Vector Optimization on Banach
Spaces", International Conference on Operations Research Applications in Infrastructure
Development, Bangalore, 2005, Available:
Figures, Tables, and Captions List
All graphics, Figures, Tables, etc. should be included at the end of the text. The corresponding
place in the text can be indicated by adding the caption "Table 1 to be included here" and
Section Headings
Primary section headings within papers are enumerated by Roman numerals and are centered above the
text. For the purpose of typing the manuscript only, primary headings should be capital letters.